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Re: Modernising menu manual icons requirement

On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 08:21:20AM -0400, David B Harris wrote:
> On Wed, 14 May 2003 00:30:29 -0700
> Chris Waters <xtifr@debian.org> wrote:

> > I agree -- icons in the menu should be about the same size as the
> > text, or maybe a little larger.  It's a menu, not an image-viewing
> > tool.  :)

> Right :) On the other hand, we would probably have more icons listed in
> /usr/lib/menu/* if we could just use upstream's.

Well, relaxing the 8bpp limit would probably go a long way towards
helping there.  Scaling an image down a little usually doesn't do
anywhere near as much damage as remapping the colors to our very
limited set.  I know several people who would be providing icons if it
weren't for the color limits.

> "Choose the best one" implies having multiple icons of different sizes,
> right?

Um, no, if there's only one, then that's obviously the best one.  :)

> Given how trivial it would be to add a scaled pixmap cache for a given
> menu method and have said method point the generated menu entry to the
> scaled and cached pixmap, I still think that would be a better solution.

It requires new code, which my approach doesn't, it adds more
complexity to the system, and is one more thing to go wrong, it will
slow update-menus even more (which can already be extremely slow if
you have many packages and many window managers installed), and,
having looked at the menu code, I'm not sure any modifications there
can truly be described as "trivial".  Aside from that, I suppose you
could call it better.... :)

Tell you what - if you promise to have your approach implemented and
ready to test by next week, then I'll throw my support behind you.
But otherwise, I think we should at least discuss the idea of adding a
few new standardized variable names.  It's a dead-simple solution, and
it's a very flexible solution.  And, as Bill points out, we already
have a couple (that admittedly aren't used much, but that's mostly
because the existing ones aren't very useful, IMO).

Chris Waters           |  Pneumonoultra-        osis is too long
xtifr@debian.org       |  microscopicsilico-    to fit into a single
or xtifr@speakeasy.net |  volcaniconi-          standalone haiku

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