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Conffiles and Configuration files (again)

Hello world,

If I remember aright, conffiles are now a strict subset of configuration
files. That is, since all configuration files go in /etc, so must all 
conffiles, but not every configuration file is listed as a conffile
(simply because not every configuration file is included in some .deb or

In writing cruft (<http://va.debian.org/~ajt/>) I came across some
difficulty in determining exactly what files in /etc have been put
there by whom.

What I'd like to propose, therefore, is extending the "conffile" label
to cover all configuration files.

This would, as well as providing a list of just about everything in /etc,
eliminate any remaining confusion about what the difference between
a conffile and a configuration file is.

Without having looked at how dpkg does it thing, I can see a couple of 
problems occuring: 
	- both the postrm and dpkg might try deleting the file. This
	  shouldn't happen because both the postrm and dpkg should be
	  taking care not to delete the file if it's not there anyway.

	- dpkg and related tools complaining about the conffile not
	  being in the file.

Comments and alternatives appreciated.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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