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Re: Policy Process (was: Bug #89867: Where to place web-accessible images)

>>"Matthew" == Matthew Palmer <mpalmer@debian.org> writes:

 Matthew> Policy process section 3.4 doesn't seem to make any mention
 Matthew> of how a proposed amendment gets accepted or rejected.  I

	Well, rough consensus is one criteria. Not making a
 ``significant'' number of packages instantly buggy is another.
 Getting things to work first, ironing out all the kinks, and then
 coming up with the policy proposal also helps.

 Matthew> personally am particularly interested in #89867, which has
 Matthew> been turned into an amendment, but hasn't had any sort of
 Matthew> discussion or acceptance.

	Since the web browsers have not implemented the requisite
 changes, this proposal is unlikely to be accepted unil they do.

 Matthew> I for one would like to see the amendment part of policy,
 Matthew> and see no reason why it shouldn't be accepted.

	Because any package which follows the proposal would be buggy,
 since those images shall not actually be accessible.

 Creating computer software is always a demanding and painstaking
 process -- an exercise in logic, clear expression, and almost
 fanatical attention to detail.  It requires intelligence, dedication,
 and an enormous amount of hard work.  But, a certain amount of
 unpredictable and often unrepeatable inspiration is what usually
 makes the difference between adequacy and excellence.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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