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Re: Test-Corpus-Audio-MPD 1.100430

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 3:27 AM, Jerome Quelin <jquelin@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> thank you on your work regarding packaging modules. doing the same for
> mandriva, i know what it means - and it's welcome! :-)
> On 10/02/15 01:06 -0500, Jonathan Yu wrote:
>> I noticed in the latest version of Test::Corpus::Audio::MPD that there
>> are several .ogg music files installed, presumably as example files
>> for the mpd tests. I understand the reasoning behind including these,
>> but I am a bit concerned about copyright issues since Debian is quite
>> picky about how "open source" our packages are.
>> I haven't heard the sound files yet, so I don't know if they are clips
>> from copyrighted musical works, or whether they are your own creation.
> from perldoc Test::Corpus::Audio::MPD
>    Note also that the test suite comes with its own ogg files - and
>    yes, we can redistribute them since it's only some random voice
>    recordings :-)
> the ogg files are 2 seconds tracks of me saying "ok" in a mic. very bad
> quality, absolutely no artistic sense behind it... and definitely no
> copyrighted material.
> maybe i should add that it's *my* voice being recorded.
>> If the latter, Debian generally also wants "source" files for
>> everything -- including, as I understand it, multimedia files -- in
>> the way that a developer would work on them.
> erm, the source file was just a wav file with me speaking in the mic.
> and they're definitely long gone! :-)
Thanks for the explanation. I must've missed the description in the
POD. I believe this is sufficient for Debian, but if someone else in
the group objects, I hope they speak up :)
> do you need something else? because i'm afraid i won't be able to
> provide anything additional! ;)
> note however that if this is a problem for redistributing the module in
> debian, it's not that big a problem: the module is only used for testing
> the other mpd modules (thanks for packaging them)... and developping
> those modules.
Yeah, but if we don't redistribute the files, those module (which we
also have packaged) cannot be tested properly, correct?
> i hope i cleared any problems, don't hesitate to come back to me if
> needed.
> regards,
> jérôme
> --
> jquelin@gmail.com

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