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Re: RFP: libmail-sendeasy-perl -- Send plain/html e-mails through SMTP servers

On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 14:48:08 +0100, Michael Mende wrote:

> I have taken this for Debian Perl Group. The package is in SVN now. It
> seems to be lintian clean.

Thanks for your quick work!

A few remarks:
* the watch file didn't work -> fixed
* the inter-target dependencies in debian/rules were not optimal and
  *VENDORARCH* is not recommended either ->
* debian/control contained XS- headers and a wrong homepage -> fixed
  (BTW: current dh-make-perl should get those points right; at least
  the version in svn)
* homepage in debian/copyright -> fixed
* debian/copyright could use the new format, but that's a matter of
* I prefer debhelper level 6, but there are different opinions
* I prefer quilt over dpatch, but again: a matter of taste

So far so well; what really bothers me is the patch
001_plus-in-emailaddress.dpatch -- actually not your patch per se,
but the fact that the module seems to have a very limited view of
what legitimate mail addresses might look like.

A nice summary about allowed characters in local parts can be found
(in German but the quotes from RFC 822 are international :))

(BTW: If someone wants to see some really nasty^Wnice allowed email
addresses take a look at http://snafu.priv.at/about/site/08nocomment.html )

Maybe I'm reading lib/Mail/SendEasy.pm wrong but checking for
^[\w\.-]+\@ (or ^[\w\.+-]+\@ after the patch) seems far from what's
allowed. - Maybe someone should tell the author about
http://search.cpan.org/dist/Main-RFC822-Address/ :)

I'm not sure what to do:
* Just ignore the problem?
* Patch the wrong check out or change it or ...?

I'm setting the distribution back to UNRELEASED and add a note to


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