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Re: using dh-make-perl with Module::Install (and getting dependencies)

Jeremiah Foster dijo [Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 02:23:29PM +0200]:
> I saw an interesting presentation on Web::Scraper at YAPC::EU in
> Vienna. I wanted to package that module for debian so I can use
> it. :)
> When installing it with dh-make-perl I received the following error:
> CPAN: File::Temp loaded ok (v0.18)
> Found: Web-Scraper 0.13 (libweb-scraper-perl arch=all)
> ======================================================================
> Could not find the dependencies for the requested module
> [ snip ]
> Please check if your module depends on Module::Install
> for its build process - Automatically finding its
> dependencies is unsupported, please specify them manually
> using the 'depends' option.

Quickly going over Module::Install's documentation, I don't think it's
too hard to add this information to dh-make-perl's process - but
probably would take more than just parsing differently Makefile.PL;
now, Module::Install -of course- handles creating META.yml as part of
the build process - Maybe that'd be a better way? Don't know, I'm
writing hurriedly (as always seems to be the case). Now...

> ======================================================================
> How can we support finding dependencies if one is using
> Module::Install? Is this something that needs to be done or is there
> a reason why this is not supported? What is a good way to find
> dependencies? Zamolxes noted that CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb can do this
> but I noted that the hook for CPANPLUS is disabled in dh-make-perl -
> is there a reason for this?

Yes, that's an important questioning. We briefly talked with Jos
Bouman, CPANPLUS' author. Thing is, for a couple of mixups I had with
postings by different people at different points in time, I thought
CPANPLUS was being phased out, with its improvements being imported
into old CPAN.pm - I was wrong on this. And Jos has done quite some
work that could render dh-make-perl no longer needed; we should look
at what he has soon. He has set up a complete Apt repository of
autobuilt packages - of course, the packages are not built exactly our
way or with our policies, but I fully expect we can interat in the


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