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macro security button


I've rebuild the experimental openoffice.org packages 2.1-3 on a debian 
distribution based on sarge. The main change was to use j2sdk1.4 instead of 
the gcj.
Now I have the problem, that nothing happens, if I click on the macro security 
button. With debian etch and the 2.1-3 packages from snapshot.debian.net 
everything works fine.

I've posted in the Openoffice.org forum without a solution:

Maybe someone could give me a hint?


Stefan Gohmann         Entwicklung              gohmann@univention.de
Univention GmbH        Linux for your Business  fon: +49 421 22 232- 0
Mary-Somerville-Str.1  28359 Bremen             fax: +49 421 22 232-99

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