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Bug#289800: openoffice.org: autosave is not enabled by default?!?!?!?!?!?!


Lee Revell wrote:
> No I didn't.  I stupidly assumed the default behavior would be
> reasonable.  Every version of M$ Office I can remember has autosaved by
> default.  I mean, the "help agent" and auto spell check are enabled by
> default for christ's sake.  This certainly implies that the other
> defaults are similar to a default M$ office install.

OpenOffice.org isn't M$ Office.

I build a package with a patch enabling autosave. Could you try?
Default is 15 mins AFAIS and it *will* prompt you.... I am not actually
sure whether I should enable prompting or not... What I fear (sorry,
don't remember old Windows times anymore) is that I open a document,
edit it a longer time and OOo will autosave it to the old location where
I wanted the old document retained and save the new one under an other



 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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