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Bug#206009: openoffice.org-bin: Prelinking question could be improved

Hi Mark,

Mark Brown wrote:
> The Debconf question about prelinking simply says that if you prelink
> the program will start up faster without mentioning any downsides but
> then defaults to "No".  This is a bit confusing - the assumption given

I agree.

> the description would be that this is something that everyone would want
> to do.
> The description ought to at least say why you might want to choose "No".

The problem is that we are not sure whether there are any major
drawbacks and how they will affect the package. So we decided to not
automatically prelink it and ask the question with "false" as default.

> It may also be good to change the default or even just do prelinking and
> remove the question entirely.

I think if there really are no major drawbacks, why not? But we
currently do not know and prelink's manpage does not say anything
about possible drawbacks.

This may be a good sign, but I am not sure...


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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