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Re: Advocating Asias He <asias.hejun@gmail.com>

On 04/19/2011 09:00 AM, NM Front Desk wrote:
> Auth-Key: nmauthfad16c4348893e8eb93665fe7776658f
> Applicant: Asias He <asias.hejun@gmail.com>
> Why do you advocate this person? (please provide a 5-10 line summary).
> You are encouraged to take questions such as the following into account
> but you're not limited to answering these:
>  - How have they contributed to Debian already?
>  - What do they intend to do for Debian in the future?
>  - How do they interact with others, such as users and other developers?
Asias He help me packaging many ibus related packages, and keep ibus
still update-to-date when I am too busy to do this in this year.

almost all his packages is checked and sponsored by me, he have mastered
all the skills required for packaging, and  his packages are clean.

ibus packages (and almost all packages under pkg-ime) are under group
and the cooperation between him and us is very well.

He is a graduated student, which can spend more time on Debian than a
busy worker as me.
And as you know, Debian is lack on this.

so I advocate him.


LI Daobing.

> Please note that by default your answer will also be sent to
> debian-newmaint@lists.debian.org to allow others to comment on it.
> This is an automated message from the Debian New Maintainer website.
> Someone (possibly you) from the IP address
> nominated the Debian developer with the login "lidaobing" as an advocate
> for Asias He's application.
> If you want to complete the advocacy process reply to this email, answer
> the questions above and GPG sign it. Please also make sure to include the
> Auth-Key (listed above) in your GPG signed reply.
> If you do not want to advocate this application or do not know what it
> means, just ignore this email.

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