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AM report for Xavier Oswald

Report for new developer applicant Xavier Oswald <x.oswald@free.fr>:

1. Identification & Background
   Check with keyid 0x88BBB51E:
   ID check passed, key signed by 21 existing developers.

   Output from keycheck.sh:
Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from keyring.debian.org
Receiving and checking key
gpg: requesting key 88BBB51E from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net
pub   1024D/88BBB51E 2006-01-16
      Key fingerprint = 938D D715 6915 8860 9679  4A0C A430 C6AA 88BB B51E
uid                  Xavier Oswald <x.oswald@free.fr>
sig!         A1EE761C 2006-02-01  Pierre Habouzit <pierre.habouzit@intersec.com>
sig!         893FAD07 2006-01-28  Steffen Joeris <white@debian.org>
sig!         C0143D2D 2006-02-01  Christian Perrier
sig!         F5D65169 2006-02-03  Julien BLACHE <jblache@debian.org>
sig!         6B79D401 2006-02-03  Giunchedi Filippo <filippo@esaurito.net>
sig!         F1BCDB73 2006-02-04  Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>
sig!         C1027A0E 2006-02-06  Gregory Colpart <reg@debian.org>
sig!         A6C805B9 2006-03-11  Clément Stenac <zorglub@via.ecp.fr>
sig!         5D64F870 2006-03-19  Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel@debian.org>
sig!         29F19BD1 2006-03-22  Michael Meskes <michael@fam-meskes.de>
sig!         2B0920C0 2006-06-21  LoĂŻc Minier (lool) <lool@debian.org>
sig!         65B4B162 2006-07-06  Aurélien GÉRÔME <ag@roxor.cx>
sig!         A1696D2B 2006-07-07  Laurent Fousse <laurent@komite.net>
sig!         29499F61 2006-07-08  Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
sig!         797EBFAB 2006-07-08  Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.com>
sig!         F7E8BC63 2006-07-09  CĂ©dric Delfosse <cedric@debian.org>
sig!         2A30D729 2006-07-13  Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>
sig!         969457F0 2007-03-07  Joost van Baal <joostvb@mdcc.cx>
sig!3        6E8169D2 2006-02-01  Raphael Hertzog <raphael@ouaza.com>
sig!3        88BBB51E 2006-01-16  Xavier Oswald <x.oswald@free.fr>
sig!3        88BBB51E 2006-01-16  Xavier Oswald <x.oswald@free.fr>
sig!         E1C21845 2007-02-26  Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@kinkhorst.com>
uid                  Xavier Oswald <oskar@mozenix.org>
sig!         F5D65169 2006-02-03  Julien BLACHE <jblache@debian.org>
sig!         6B79D401 2006-02-03  Giunchedi Filippo <filippo@esaurito.net>
sig!         F1BCDB73 2006-02-04  Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>
sig!         C1027A0E 2006-02-06  Gregory Colpart <reg@debian.org>
sig!         A6C805B9 2006-03-11  Clément Stenac <zorglub@via.ecp.fr>
sig!         5D64F870 2006-03-19  Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel@debian.org>
sig!         29F19BD1 2006-03-22  Michael Meskes <michael@fam-meskes.de>
sig!         2B0920C0 2006-06-21  LoĂŻc Minier (lool) <lool@debian.org>
sig!         65B4B162 2006-07-06  Aurélien GÉRÔME <ag@roxor.cx>
sig!         A1696D2B 2006-07-07  Laurent Fousse <laurent@komite.net>
sig!         29499F61 2006-07-08  Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
sig!         797EBFAB 2006-07-08  Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.com>
sig!         F7E8BC63 2006-07-09  CĂ©dric Delfosse <cedric@debian.org>
sig!         2A30D729 2006-07-13  Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>
sig!         969457F0 2007-03-07  Joost van Baal <joostvb@mdcc.cx>
sig!3        88BBB51E 2006-01-16  Xavier Oswald <x.oswald@free.fr>
sig!         E1C21845 2007-02-26  Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@kinkhorst.com>
uid                  Xavier Oswald <oskar@skolelinux.fr>
sig!         6B79D401 2006-02-03  Giunchedi Filippo <filippo@esaurito.net>
sig!         F1BCDB73 2006-02-04  Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>
sig!         C1027A0E 2006-02-06  Gregory Colpart <reg@debian.org>
sig!         A6C805B9 2006-03-11  Clément Stenac <zorglub@via.ecp.fr>
sig!         5D64F870 2006-03-19  Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel@debian.org>
sig!         29F19BD1 2006-03-22  Michael Meskes <michael@fam-meskes.de>
sig!         2B0920C0 2006-06-21  LoĂŻc Minier (lool) <lool@debian.org>
sig!         65B4B162 2006-07-06  Aurélien GÉRÔME <ag@roxor.cx>
sig!         A1696D2B 2006-07-07  Laurent Fousse <laurent@komite.net>
sig!         29499F61 2006-07-08  Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
sig!         797EBFAB 2006-07-08  Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.com>
sig!         F7E8BC63 2006-07-09  CĂ©dric Delfosse <cedric@debian.org>
sig!         2A30D729 2006-07-13  Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>
sig!         1E880A84 2006-08-17  Frans Pop (Debian) <elendil@planet.nl>
sig!         969457F0 2007-03-07  Joost van Baal <joostvb@mdcc.cx>
sig!3        88BBB51E 2006-01-31  Xavier Oswald <x.oswald@free.fr>
sig!         E1C21845 2007-02-26  Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@kinkhorst.com>
sub   2048g/8FDECE3A 2006-01-16
sig!         88BBB51E 2006-01-16  Xavier Oswald <x.oswald@free.fr>

39 signatures not checked due to missing keys
Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
Key is ok
Check for key expire stuff
Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check.

   Applicant writes:
My name is Xavier Oswald, I'm 23 years old and studying computer science at the
University of Strasbourg in FRANCE. I was interested by computer science when
I was 15 years old and more particularly about free software because one of my
friend shows me some basics about free software and I found that amazing.

I want to volunteer my time for Debian because I think Debian is the best Linux
distribution and because I like the social aspect of this development, working
all together in the world for the same goal 'world domination';). More
seriously, I use Debian since the Slink version and I think that if I use
something free I should contribute to get it better and involve myself too in
this development. And the most important thing is that I made fun with Debian.

My plan for the future is to have my packages as good as possible and without
bugs. Moreover I will contribute more in maintaining debian perl modules and
improve the parted package. And the last but not the least, I'm co-maintaining
Lisaac[1], a wonderful programming langage. Lisaac is at his beginning state
but we will soon have new software written and I will try to package most of
them for Debian.

Otherwise I'm member of the debian-edu team and I will try to get more involved
in this team. I'm mostly working on Cipux[2], a framework for server
administration which I hope will be part of debian-edu. I have created the cipux
project on alioth[3] which make his developement easier and we will have
something interesting for Debian and Debian-edu I think.

Morover I have created the debian-olpc project on alioth[4] and the goal is to
be able to install Debian on OLPC. This project is very new and will need lot
of work.

This is a small overwiew on what I'm interested and working on.

[1] http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/CipUX
[3] http://alioth.debian.org/projects/cipux
[4] http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-olpc/

   Google says:

2. Account Data
   Account: xoswald
   Forward-Email: x.oswald@free.fr

3. Philosophy and Procedures
   Xavier has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures
   and answered all my questions about the social contract,
   DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way. Xavier committed to uphold the SC and DFSG
   in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills
   Xavier has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
   Xavier is the maintainer or comaintainer of a number of Perl packages,
   and others like parted, lisaac, planner, vym, mirage, gnu-fdisk, kiosktool
   and magicor.
   He's a DM for most of the above and involved with d-i and debian-edu.
   All packages are in good shape.
   Xavier also answered my other questions regarding T&S without problems
   and provided patches for RC bugs.

5. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept Xavier Oswald as a Debian Developer.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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