Report for new developer applicant Shachar Shemesh <>: 1. Identification & Background ------------------------------ Check with Keyid 0xCDBDBCE2: ID Check passed, Key signed by at least one existing Debian Developer, Baruch Even <> Output from 0xCDBDBCE2 pub 1024D/CDBDBCE2 2002-07-25 Key fingerprint = DA7D EC91 7141 8446 027A 2EFC 83C0 7215 CDBD BCE2 uid Shachar Shemesh (ID for Debian packages) <> sig! 99E81DA0 2005-08-06 Lior Kaplan <> sig!3 CDBDBCE2 2003-10-25 Shachar Shemesh (ID for Debian packages) <> uid Shachar Shemesh <> sig!2 99E81DA0 2004-09-03 Lior Kaplan <> sig!3 AB474598 2003-08-01 Baruch Even <> sig!3 CDBDBCE2 2002-07-25 Shachar Shemesh (ID for Debian packages) <> sig!3 CDBDBCE2 2002-07-25 Shachar Shemesh (ID for Debian packages) <> sub 1536g/0C4CB8A8 2002-07-25 sig! CDBDBCE2 2002-07-25 Shachar Shemesh (ID for Debian packages) <> Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key Key is ok Check for key expire stuff Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check. Applicant writes: My first Linux expereince was back in 92 or 93 - me and a friend tried to compile a kernel on one of the early Ygdrassil distributions. Wasn't easy. I've been actively sysadmining Linux machines since around 1996. My first real free software contribution was on the Wine project, where I took the task of adding BiDirectional support (i.e. - support for langauges such as Hebrew and Arabic). Search for my name at for more info on that. Since then I took on several other tasks, some of which I'm actually main (usually sole) maintainer. Most prominant of these is rsyncrypto (, which is a file encryption program. It's uniqueness lies in the fact that files encrypted with rsyncrypto maintain their wire transfer efficiency when synched with rsync. In other words, the local changes to the plain text files result in bounded changes to the encrypted file. Rsyncrypto is available under the GPL. [ .. ] Taking a look at google revealed that Shachar is contributing to the open source for a long time and is very active on keeping up the open source idea. 2. Philosophy and Procedures ----------------------------- Shachar always demonstrated a very good understanding of Debians Philosphy and Procedes and answered all my questions in a good way. 3. Tasks and Skills ------------------- Shachar has a strong understanding of the all questions asked in the T&S part. He is maintainer of argtable2, ryncrypto and sshpass all in a good shape and sponsered by me and other DDs. 4. Recommendation ----------------- I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer. Account: shachar Forward-Email:
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