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AM report on Mattia Monga

AM report on Mattia Monga


I recommend that Mattia becomes a Debian developer.

Applicant info:

Name:	         Mattia Monga
Current email:   monga@elet.polimi.it
Preferred email: monga@debian.org
                 (to be forwarded to monga@elet.polimi.it)


Mattia provided me with the following gpg key:

pub  1024R/3BED2199 1996-03-10 Mattia Monga <ghe1041@cdc700.cdc.polimi.it>
sig!       3BED2199 1996-03-10  Mattia Monga <ghe1041@cdc700.cdc.polimi.it>
uid                            Mattia Monga <mmonga@hotmail.com>
sig!       3BED2199 1997-06-22  Mattia Monga <ghe1041@cdc700.cdc.polimi.it>
uid                            Mattia Monga <monga@elet.polimi.it>
sig!       3BED2199 2000-12-17  Mattia Monga <ghe1041@cdc700.cdc.polimi.it>
sig!       28E57F70 2001-03-24  Davide Puricelli (evo) <apurice@tin.it>
uid                            Mattia Monga <monga@ieee.org>
sig!       3BED2199 2000-12-17  Mattia Monga <ghe1041@cdc700.cdc.polimi.it>
sig!       28E57F70 2001-03-24  Davide Puricelli (evo) <apurice@tin.it>
uid                            Mattia Monga <mmonga@tiscalinet.it>
sig!       3BED2199 2000-12-17  Mattia Monga <ghe1041@cdc700.cdc.polimi.it>
sig!       28E57F70 2001-03-24  Davide Puricelli (evo) <apurice@tin.it>

It is signed by Davide Puricelli <evo@debian.org>.

Identification check passed.

Policy and procedures:

Mattia explicitly agrees to follow the SC and the DFSG in his Debian
related work. The answers to the questions I asked him about those
documents show that he understands the main points and the implications
of those documents.

Policy and procedures check passed.

Tasks and Skills:
Mattia wrote me:

 | I'm a debian user since 1996 and since that day I exploited the work
 | of debian people for my job, my phd research, my hobbies, etc. It is
 | now time to give back some work according to free software philosophy.
 | I have some programming skills so the most natural contribution I can
 | set up is packaging, managing of bugs, and so on.  

He has already debianized gnubg (GNU Backgammon), and he packaged a new
upstream version of TkRat for his own personal use.
Both packages look fine and are lintian clean.

Tasks and skills check passed.

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw                  | Si l'on sait exactement ce   |
|--------------------------------| que l'on va faire, a quoi    |
| zoetekw@phys.uu.nl             | bon le faire?                |
|    bas@A-Es2.uu.nl             |               Pablo Picasso  |

Attachment: pgp9sYoYHnYBF.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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