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NM Applicant Michael Fedrowitz

Report for new developer applicant: Michael Fedrowitz <michael@fedrowitz.de>

Summary: I recommend the acceptance of Michael as a new developer.

2. Identification

Michael has provided a key and signed photo ID.  (He was too far away
from the developers listed on the keysigning co-ordination page.)

3. Philosophy and Procedures

Michael was able to clearly summarise the key points of the Social
Contract and the DFSG.  He is well aware of the procedural aspects of
Debian (see below).

4. Tasks and Skills

Michael has been quite active in the m68k port, working on and
providing patches for lots of porting issues for several months
already.  These have been in core packages such as glibc, among
others.  He intends to continue there, perhaps adopting a package, but
only at a later stage.



         Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, Queen Mary, Univ. of London
       Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see http://people.debian.org/~jdg
  Donate free food to the world's hungry: see http://www.thehungersite.com/

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