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AM report for Steve Kowalik

Summary for Steve Kowalik <stevenk@hasnolife.com>


pub  1024D/2B302452 2001-06-14 Steve Kowalik <stevenk@hasnolife.com>
sig!       B28C5995 2001-07-12  Brendan O'Dea <bod@debian.org>


"I'm 20 years old, and have been using Linux for the past 3 years, and
jumped to Debian after a copule of years using RedHat. I found Debian to be
quite refreshing, and starting liking it after I installed it. I intend to
help Debian out as a way of saying thanks for a great distribution, and as
a way to help out our current and future users"

Philosophy & Procedures

Steve understands Debian's philosophy and agrees with it.

Tasks & Skills

His sponsor and advocate, Joey Hess, writes:

 > I've been sponsoring his maintanenace of xringd and he knows what he's
 > doing.

I looked at xringd, too, and the package is well done.


I recommend that Steve be accepted as a Debian maintainer.

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