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Wojciech Jeczmien on hold

This applicant has uploaded two packages ('filler' and 'mailreader')
which were sponsored by Radovan Garabik <garabik@melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk>.

The first package, 'filler', initially had many bugs, including serious
bugs when its upload was first sponsored.  This package is a simple
game, and is non-free as it depends on Sun's Java.

The second package, 'mailreader', still has many bugs, and (I think) is
not very well structured even if it had no policy or other bugs.  Therefore,
I can not accept this package as a demonstration of tasks and skills.

I am now putting his application on 'hold'.
If he agrees to adopt an orphaned package or a package for which there is
a standing RFP, then I will reconsider his application.

Susan Kleinmann

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