Hi folks. Gleydson would like gleydson as userid. Debian-private traffic should be go to gleydson@escelsanet.com.br Identification: =============== KeyID : 985BA281 Fingerprint : BC81 03B7 B289 1227 A02E 675A A56B C3DF 985B A281 His key is signed by Eduardo Macan <macan@debian.org>. Philosophy & Procedures : ========================= Gleydson has agreed with the Social Contral and has showed a clear understanding of the DFSG. Furthermore, Gleydson has given satisfiying answers to questions about them. Tasks & Skills : ================ At this time, Gleydson is interested by helping with documentation and translation. It has already translated the Debian install system to Portugese. He plans to package Portugese documentation in the future. He's learned to use Debian CVS and the BTS I had a look on his work, it seems fine. But I do not understand Portuguese. :) Conclusion: =========== Gleydson understands our goals and procedures. Debian would benefit a lot from his skills. Therefore, I fully recommend him to be accepted as a developper. -- Guillaume Morin <guillaume@morinfr.org> Unwisely, Santa offered a teddy bear to James, unaware that he had been mauled by a grizzly earlier that year (T. Burton)
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