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FFADO-mixer does not load - patch to fix bug

Hello everybody out there!

	I am using Debian 10:

$ cat /etc/debian_version

	I am using FFADO-mixer from standard distribution repositories:

$ aptitude versions ffado-mixer-qt4
i   2.4.1-0.1                                     stable

	I have experimented a bug I have not seen in Debian bug tracker system:
when I tried to launch FFADO-mixer, it failed to load (see log at the
end of this message).

	I have asked for help on FFADO mailing list:


	Jonathan Whoithe has then sent a patch which solves the problem:


	Well, I think this patch should probably be added to the package. Can
anyone tell me what I should do to propose this patch? Should I open a
bug issue on Debian bug tracker, then send the patch? Should I do
something else?

	Best regards.

$ ffaddo-mixer-qt4
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/ffado-mixer-qt4/ffado/import_pyqt.py", line 35, in
    from PyQt4.QtCore import QByteArray, QObject, QTimer, Qt,
pyqtSignal, QString, pyqtSlot
ImportError: cannot import name 'QString' from 'PyQt4.QtCore'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ffado-mixer", line 31, in <module>
    from ffado.ffadowindow import *
  File "/usr/share/ffado-mixer-qt4/ffado/ffadowindow.py", line 27, in
    from ffado.config import *
  File "/usr/share/ffado-mixer-qt4/ffado/config.py", line 35, in <module>
    from ffado.import_pyqt import *
  File "/usr/share/ffado-mixer-qt4/ffado/import_pyqt.py", line 39, in
    from PyQt5 import QtGui, Qt, QtCore, Qt, QtWidgets, uic
RuntimeError: the PyQt5.QtCore and PyQt4.QtCore modules both wrap the
QObject class

Diaspora* : ylebars@framasphere.org

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