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Re: Kali Linux is now using mirror-status


On Thu, 2023-08-17 at 14:48 +0700, Arnaud Rebillout wrote:
> Now, time for requests :)  I have a few patches that I'd like to
> submit,  it's really minor things. I think it would be easier if
> Issues and MR  were enabled on the Salsa repo: 
> https://salsa.debian.org/mirror-team/mirror/status. Otherwise,
> please tell me how you'd like to discuss changes regarding mirror-
> status.
> Kali's fork of mirror-status is at: 
> https://gitlab.com/kalilinux/tools/mirror-status

The Salsa repo is a mirror of one hosted elsewhere (hence the second
"mirror" in the URL), so enabling MRs on it is likely to lead to more

Assuming the changes aren't Kali-specific, and make sense for Debian as
well, then either a pointer to a mergable git branch, or a set of "git
am"-able patches seems like a reasonable approach to me (in either
case, probably to mirrors@d.o).



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