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New architectures: armhf and s390x

Hello mirror admins,

there are 2 new architectures showing up in Debian: armhf and s390x.

The structure for both is already in place since today, Debian FTP
Masters are just now adding armhf and s390x will follow one dinstall run
after it.  That means those architectures will start being pushed to the
mirrors with the next regular dinstall run (resp. the one after it).

In case your mirror is low on disk space or you otherwise do not run a
full mirror, you might want to consider adding them to your exclude
list. Please, let "Mirror Admin Team" <mirrors@debian.org> know if you
decide to exclude these architectures and add one or both of "armhf"
"s390x" (without "") to the ARCH_EXCLUDE statement in your

Note that you won't see a huge disk space hit with this initial
pushes. We will add around 1GiB per architecture right now, we are
building it all from scratch, so the space requirement will slowly grow
up to be the same as one of the existing architectures.

For more information about the mirrors and the mirrors sizes, please
take a look at the following links:


bye Joerg
for the Debian mirroradm team

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