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Re: Clean up the source package

On 10/22/2013 03:45 PM, Tong Sun wrote:
> I got an old Debian source package that is no longer exist in the
> repo any more, and want to pick up from there. I.e., apply all the
> patches then remove them for debian/patches. That's what I did, but
> when I tried to build it via pbuilder, I get:
> make clean dh_quilt_unpatch Patch 03_dial.c.diff does not remove
> cleanly (refresh it or enforce with -f) dh_quilt_unpatch: quilt
> --quiltrc /dev/null pop -a || test $? = 2 returned exit code 1 make:
> *** [clean] Error 25
> I've remove all the patches file from debian/patches. Where else does
> Debian know there are patches? How do I tell it to forget them?

debian/source/format likely still has quilt as the package format.

But, but, but.. why are you removing the patch system and manually
patching the upstream source?  This is precisely the whole point of
quilt, and a patch system is the preferred method of modifying the
upstream source in Debian packages.

Kind regards,

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