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Re: permission to write to /usr/local/share/packagename

 ❦  4 octobre 2013 22:56 CEST, Beco <rcb@beco.cc> :

>>> What I'm not getting is that I have no write permissions to this
>>> directory where the data will be.
>> Apps that run with user rights usually store their data in that user's
>> home directory. Do you really need to write the data into the global
>> location? What kind of data is it?

> Hi Andrey,
> Thanks for your attention. It's a game score (top 10 players).
> I thought saving under $HOME, but then others players would see only
> their own name.

On Debian, those high scores are usually stored in /var/games/XXXXX. The
file permissions allow a user from the group games to write the
file. See for example `monsterz`.
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