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Best way to compile packages for multiple architecture?


Sorry if this is a FAQ, but googling didn't return any answers I could easily use.

I'm trying to build packages for multiple architecture ; hopefully doing it the "proper" way...

The packages I'm compiling are for Ubuntu.

Following suggestions found here, I am using pbuilder to build the packages.
Documentation read was found here:

And I used most of the howto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto

To build for AMD64, I would do:
ARCH=amd64 pdebuild --buildresult ~/pcliving/pbuilder

for i386:
ARCH=i386 pdebuild --buildresult ~/pcliving/pbuilder

The problem with this, is that the compilation will create a source package as well as a package for any architecture xxx_all.deb

When building the i386 architecture, the all.deb and source package will overwrite the one created by the amd64 build ; and as such the checksum of the packages listed in the respective *.changes won't match some packages.

 I did compile without specifying --buildresult so packages wouldn't be overwritten, however the issue happen later when trying to sign the package and using dput/mini-dinstall to update the repository.

So how should I do it ?
Is there some documentation on how to create packages for multiple architecture without hitting the problem I'm facing ?

Thank you in advance

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