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Re: RFS: chironfs - Chiron FS is a FUSE based filesystem that implements replication #475371

OoO En ce début de soirée du mercredi 14 mai 2008, vers 21:39, "Leonardo
Rodrigues de Mello" <l@lmello.eu.org> disait:

> * Package name    : chironfs
>   Version         : 1.0.0-1
>   Upstream Author : Luis Otavio de Colla Furquim <luisfurquim@gmail.com>
> * URL             : http://furquim.org/chironfs/
> * License         : GPL-3
>   Section : utils

Hi Leonardo!

Upstream has shipped config.* stuff.  This gets modified and included in
your diff.gz. The best way to  avoid this is to remove those three files
in the clean target of your package.

In debian/changelog, you  start with -0. This is a  bit odd. Because you
have a -1 entry, this should be harmless, but you should renumber anyway
(you could just merge the two entries for this time).

In   debian/control,   use   the  latest   Standards-Version   available
(3.7.3). The Description  field is composed of a  short description (the
first line)  and a long  description (the remaining). You  should reword
the short description to make it one line. For example:

Description: FUSE filesystem implementing replication at filesystem level

You can keep your current description as the long description. You could
also seek better advice on debian-l10n-english@l.d.o.

You  should  also  add  an   Homepage  field  (in  the  source  part  of
debian/control). This will help a  user seeking more information on this
package without installing it.

In  your  debian/rules,  you  use  simple-patchsys but  don't  have  any
patch. You can just remove this line.

You should  add a debian/watch  file. This is  a very convenient  way to
watch for a new version (for you or your users).

The package looks fine otherwise.

Make sure input cannot violate the limits of the program.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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