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Re: RFC on tuned version of Ogg Vorbis

Hi, Andrew, Daniel and other mentors.

On Feb 21 2007, Andrew Donnellan wrote:
On 2/21/07, Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org> wrote:
rarewares.org implies, that there is something wrong with these
packages. do they break copyrights or patents? Maybe they are a
candidate for http://alioth.debian.org/projects/restricted/

No, they try not to break copyrights, nor patents, whenever possible.
Hydrogenaudio, which is a web forum affiliated (at least in spirit) with
Rarewares, is a place for developers of both Open and Closed Source

For instance, Hydrogenaudio is where people like the authors of
faac/faad meet, where experimental projects like lame and flac are
developed (e.g., one called "flake", which is an experimental flac).

By the way, talking about flac, did you know that version 1.1.3 was
recently released and that it contains a *bunch* of improvements made by
Josh Coalson (the author of flac). This is documented in flac.sf.net,
the last time I tried.

But Josh Coalson had no time to update the site and mention that he
promptly released a (final, not beta) version 1.1.*4* on hydrogenaudio.
(This you won't know if you read flac.sf.net, at least now). And it is
so much better...

In those cases, people release specialty compiled binaries on rarewares
(like statically linked encoders of newer versions of flac or of

According to http://rarewares.org/faq.html they keep the site as warez
free as possible. Not sure about patents though, although Vorbis
should be pretty safe.

Some software *do* have patents (like compiled versions of lame,
compiled versions of AAC encoders). But I'm not interested in those
right now.

I'm interested in Vorbis, first for the sake of archival of audio, and,
then, for portables.  And, mostly, I'm interested in improvements of Ogg
Vorbis and flac.

Thank you very much for your attention, Rogério Brito.

Rogério Brito : rbrito@ime.usp.br : http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito
Homepage of the algorithms package : http://algorithms.berlios.de
Homepage on freshmeat:  http://freshmeat.net/projects/algorithms/

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