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Re: mini-dinstall, repository signing and apt-get authentication

Cameron> Actually, you would just do the scp to a root account, though
Cameron> maybe that's not what you want either. My archive is owned by
Cameron> me, and I can't think of a reason why it should be root owned,
Cameron> do you have a good one (it's beside the point, I'm just
Cameron> curious)?

Well, one cannot get root on that server except by ssh with my private
key, while my own account has a normal password (it has to because the
server also does mail with plain authentication, over SSL of course).
So I consider the normal account slightly more vulnerable.

Cameron> I think there's an Apt option for this, though I can't find it
Cameron> right now.

I thought there should be one :-)  but couldn't find one either.

This line is completely ham.

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