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Re: How can I simply test building a package with a different compiler version?

Fabian Guter wrote:
Hallo dam,

In case your package uses auto*, then configure script most probably
honours CC, CXX, CPP and CXXPP environment variables. Put
 # Force usage of 4.1
 export CC=gcc-4.1
 export CXX=g++-4.1
 export CPP=cpp-4.1
 export CXXPP=cpp-4.1
before invoking configure and you should be fine.

The package at least uses make...
The Makefile looks like this:
# Names of executables
AS = gas
AR = ar
LD = ld
ZIP = zip
CXX = g++

You can override these inconditionnally define variables no using
environment but using make.

Have a look at this makefile:

$ cat Makefile

.PHONY: all

        @echo "$(A) and $(B)"

$ make
a and b
$ make A=whatever
whatever and b
$ A=whatever make
a and b
$ make B=uh
a and uh
$ B=uh make
a and uh



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