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Re: Subject: RFS: mantis (updated package)

Patrick Schönfeld wrote:
> For some reason this failed in this package ago for one of the patches,
> which was stated not to be found. Well, I've changed much since then,
> maybe it will work as supposed now.

try it, if it doesn't work out, i'll help.

> It does provide the -patch/-unpatch arguments and handling for them.
> Just catting patches into dpatch templates did not work for me.

..which could be removed then when including dpatch.make

> Happy to hear this. You will hear from me latest tomorrow.


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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