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Re: Building a program with the library shipped in Debian, not in orig.tar.gz

Am Freitag, den 15.09.2006, 09:46 +0900 schrieb Charles Plessy:

> I am preparing Debian packages for EMBOSS (the European Molecular
> Biology Software Suite, www.emboss.org), and I run in the following
> problem:
> EMBOSS is shipped and built with its own copy of libpcre. As a result,
> the EMBOSS Debian package contains some files wich are also in the
> libpcre Debian package, and they conflict together.
> I would like to try to build EMBOSS with the libpcre from Debian, but I
> could not figure out how to do. Can somebody give me hints?
> EMBOSS uses the auto(make|conf) system - I do not understand the
> difference yet.

I guess, it will be more problematic to begin to change the
Makefile.am/.in or configure.ac/.in files in the Debian package, than
just making the custom changes to use Debian pcre-package. If EMBOSS
compiles with a common libpcre-version, upstream should add the
necessary checks for an libpcre installation and prefer this version,
instead of the shipped pcre-version. But for you, this will be overkill
I guess (you know, where the libpcre-header files are installed, so you
don't need such checks).

> The files for libpcre such as pcre.h are in the same
> directory as the files for a core EMBOSS library. I need to tell the
> program to use /usr/include/pcre.h and so on, but I have no clue on how
> to do this (I never programmed in C).

In short: Change

#include "pcre.h"


#include <pcre.h>

and see 'man pcre-config' for the compilation arguments (you only need,
what --libs tells you in the linking step, IIRC).

> Is there a documentation for solving that kind of problem? I beleive it
> should be recurrent in Debian...

HTH and regards, Daniel

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