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Re: RFS: amarok - versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE

On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 02:03:52PM +0200, Pierre HABOUZIT wrote:
>>>E: amarok: binary-without-manpage amarok
>>>E: amarok: binary-without-manpage amarokapp
>>>E: amarok; Uses cdbs and debhelper.mk, but the version is too old.
>>Hmm, what should i do here? Tighten up the version on cdbs build-dep?
>I had the same on a package oif mine. you are using debhelper.mk in
>cdbs, but have an incorrect build-depend on debhelper. run linda with -i
>to know better about it.

I already run both lintian and linda with the -i option. The output is
in the log file at [0] 

[0] http://www-personal.monash.edu.au/~anibal/tmp/amarok_1.0.0-3.log.gz

Here is that ouput:

lintian -i /var/cache/pbuilder/result/amarok_1.0.0-3_i386.changes

W: amarok source: out-of-date-standards-version
N:   The source package refers to a 'Standards-Version' that is starting to
N:   get out of date, compared to current Policy. You can safely ignore
N:   this warning, but please consider updating the package to current
N:   Policy.
W: amarok source: changelog-should-mention-nmu
N:   When you NMU a package, that fact should be mentioned on the first
N:   line in the changelog entry.
W: amarok source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 1.0.0-3
N:   A source NMU should have a Debian revision of '-x.x'. This is to
N:   prevent stealing version numbers from the maintainer (and the -x.x.x
N:   version numbers are reserved for binary-only NMU's).
W: amarok source: source-contains-CVS-dir debian/CVS
N:   Package contains a CVS directory. It was most likely included by
N:   accident, since transient CVS data usually doesn't belong in packages.
N:   Export from CVS rather than use a checkout.
E: amarok-xmms: binary-without-manpage amarok_xmmswrapper
N:   Each binary in /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /bin, /sbin, or /usr/games, must
N:   have a manual page.
N:   Note, that though the `man' program has the capability to check for
N:   several program names in the NAMES section, each of these programs
N:   must have its own manual page (a symbolic link to the appropriate
N:   manual page is sufficient) because other manual page viewers such as
N:   xman or tkman don't support this.
N:   Refer to Policy Manual, section 12.1 for details.
E: amarok-xmms: usr-doc-symlink-without-dependency amarok
N:   If the package installs a symbolic link /usr/share/doc/<pkg1> ->
N:   <pkg2>, then <pkg1> has to depend on <pkg2> with the same version as
N:   <pkg1>.
N:   Note, that adding the "Depends:" entry just to fix this bug is not a
N:   good solution. It's suggested that you include a real
N:   /usr/share/doc/<pkg1> directory within <pkg1> and copy the copyright
N:   file into that directory.
N:   Refer to Policy Manual, section 12.5 for details.
E: amarok-gstreamer: usr-doc-symlink-without-dependency amarok
E: amarok-arts: no-shlibs-control-file usr/lib/libamarokarts.so
N:   Although the package includes a shared library, the package does not
N:   have a shlibs control file. If this is intentional, please contact
N:   lintian-maint@debian.org about this so that this exception would be
N:   recognized in future versions of Lintian.
N:   Refer to Policy Manual, section 8.6 for details.
E: amarok-arts: usr-doc-symlink-without-dependency amarok
E: amarok: binary-without-manpage amarok
E: amarok: binary-without-manpage amarokapp

linda -i /var/cache/pbuilder/result/amarok_1.0.0-3_i386.changes

E: amarok; Uses cdbs and debhelper.mk, but the version is too old.
 This package uses cdbs and includes debhelper.mk, but the version of
 debhelper the package Build-Depends on is too old.  To use
 debhelper.mk you currently must Build-Depend on at least debhelper (>=
E: amarok; No manual page for binary amarok.
 The binary displayed doesn't have a corresponding manual page, while
 Policy dictates that every binary in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin,
 /usr/games and /usr/X11R6/bin requires a manual page, or at least a
 symlink to the undocumented manual page.
E: amarok; No manual page for binary amarokapp.
W: amarok-arts; Contains shared libraries, but doesn't start with lib.
 The package contains one or more shared libraries (.so's), but the
 package name does not start with 'lib'.
W: amarok-arts; Contains shared libraries, but is not in Section: libs
or base.
 This package contains one or more shared libraries, but the package is
 not in Section: libs, or base.
E: amarok-xmms; No manual page for binary amarok_xmmswrapper.

>Pierre Habouzit


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux      | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'   http://debian.org/    | http://www-personal.monash.edu/~anibal/
  `-                          |

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