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Re: OT: Removing Spam caused by this list

On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 02:32:35PM +0100, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> > BTW: Since I posted to this ML (and debian-devel), I get more mail
> > worms than my mailbox at my ISP can hold. Strange for linux developer
> > MLs...
> The MLs are mirrored to usenet, and recent worms (Swen) search the
> local mailfolders and cached Newsgroup-articles for e-mail addresses.
> If somebody is infected and reads the list per mail or news you have
> lost.

Yes, we are off topic, but this fact may be interesting for many people
reading this list. I receive more than 100 copies of this beast every day,
15MB total. Since my mailbox allows only 20MB, I have to clean it up (using
the great tool mailfilter) at least one time a day, otherwise I will become
unreachable very fast.

Is there a public server running mailfilter (or something similar) which
can do this cleanup on a regular basis, even when I am on holidays?


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