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Re: copyright file

On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 07:58:30PM -0400, Neil Roeth wrote:
> I have a question about how I am supposed to handle upstream's files related
> to copyrights and distribution.  They provide a README file that has the
> actual copyright notice, i.e., "Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 James Clark,
> 1999 Matthias Clasen", and it refers to the COPYING file for permissions to
> copy.  COPYING is identical to /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2.  There is the
> required additional information about the Debian package, i.e., the copyright
> for the Debian specific code, where the source can be obtained, etc., in
> debian/copyright.Debian.

> Until recently the entire COPYING file was included, but lintian started
> complaining about a copy of the GPL being part of the package.

> Policy says that "Every package must be accompanied by a verbatim copy of its
> copyright and distribution license in the file
> `/usr/share/doc/<package>/copyright'.  This file must neither be compressed
> nor be a symbolic link."  It appears to me that README is the copyright and
> COPYING is the distribution license, so it appears to me I need to put the
> following in debian/copyright:
> 1) the contents of README
> 2) a note which refers to /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2
> 3) the contents of debian/copyright.Debian

Hmm, that's a curious wording in policy.  Legally, there's no basis for
referring to "a verbatim copy of its copyright [notice]"; the README
may well contain other information that's not pertinent to the copyright
notice per se, and ultimately, the real requirement is that the
copyright notice you include in /usr/share/doc/<package>/copyright be
well-formed (according to the proper legal incantations, recently
discussed on debian-legal) and accurate as to the identity of the
copyright holders and the date of their copyrights.  In that sense it is
likely to be verbatim, if only because there are only so many ways you
can express a copyright notice.

Otherwise, this seems correct.

Please send any legal-minutiae follow-ups to

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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