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RFS: libfx-ruby

Hi, I'm hoping to find a sponsor for the libfx-ruby package that I've
created (the ITP is bug #169959).  I've been using earlier versions of
this package at work for some time, and am now satisfied enough with it
to offer it for inclusion into the debian archive.  This is the first
package for which I'm attempting to find a sponsor.

I've run both lintian and linda on the package and get no warnings or
errors (other than lintian saying that the standards version is newer
than it knows about).

Binary (i386 and powerpc) and source packages are available from:

deb http://pug.qqx.org/debian unstable/$(ARCH)/
deb-src http://pug.qqx.org/debian unstable/source/

The binary section of the control file follows.

Package: libfx-ruby
Architecture: any
Depends: ruby, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: Ruby interface for the FOX GUI toolkit
 Ruby interface for FOX, a toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces
 easily and effectively. It offers a wide collection of Controls, and
 provides state of the art facilities such as drag and drop, selection,
 as well as OpenGL widgets for 3D graphical manipulation. FOX also
 implements icons, images, and user-convenience features such as status
 line help, and tooltips. Tooltips may even be used for 3D objects!
 Additional information can be found at http://www.fxruby.org/

Aaron Schrab     aaron@schrab.com      http://www.schrab.com/aaron/

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