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Re: Sponsor vs. Developer Process?

Thanks for your response--

On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 08:47:46AM +1000, Craig Small wrote:
> > So I applied to become a DD, got my key signed and my application
> > verified, and now I am waiting for an AM assignment.
> Make sure you've done your homework.  The key is signed, good! Is
> the package lintian/linda clean?  

The script passes lintian and linda (actually, it appears to me that
either one is fine?).

> Have you read the developer's reference?  

I did read the developer's reference.  I know where to look when I need
to find something.  I'm starting off with a relatively simple package
(just a perl script), so a lot of the stuff about shared libraries, etc.,
I figure I'll come back to when I need to.

> Get a sponsor.  Having/getting a sponsor will not slow down your DD
> process unless you are very limited in time.  It may even speed up your
> application (it makes the T&S check easier).

Hopefully Joe will agree to sponsor my package.  If that doesn't work
out, I'd like to renew my request here for a sponsor!

> My personal opinion is that anyone who is in the NM queue, if they are
> there for packaging stuff, should be attempting a sponsored package.
> It shows you can package something.  Your behaviour to bugs that come up
> or how you upgrade and maintain the package is a good "reference" for
> your debian maintainership.

Sounds like a good standard.  I've been quite responsive to bug reports
thus far, as you might be able to tell from the changelog.

Incidentally, the package, apt repository, etc., are here:


Thanks again.
Adam Kessel

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