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Package splitting problem


I want to split ettercap package with and without GTK support. 

We have only one binary named ettercap. If gtk option is given in the build 
stage, "ettercap --gtk" opens the gui. Both of the gtk and ncurses version 
included same binary.

I want to make separate package for gtk enabled version, so lots of users 
don't need to install gtk* libraries to use it. I'm not sure what the best 
solution is. I'm planning to make three package as follow:
- ettercap-common : Configuration files and plugins for ettercap
- ettercap : ncurses version of ettercap, conflicts ettercap-gtk
- ettercap-gtk : gtk enabled version of ettercap, which also have ncurses 
support and conflicts ettercap

In this scenario, when the user install ettercap, he will use only ncurses 
version. If user want to install ettercap-gtk in later, ettercap package will 
be replaced by ettercap-gtk (because it includes both of the gtk and ncurses 
support) and only one ettercap binary kept in the system at a time. 

If I renamed gtk enabled version of ettercap as ettercap-gtk, it will has all 
of the functions in ettercap plus gtk functions. Because ettercap-gtk is not 
a front-end or "just" a gui.

I'm aware of these type of tricks not good for packaging. What is the best 
method for this? 

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