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Re: fixing rc bugs

> Do I need to modify the changelog entry to sth like 'weex (2.6.1-5)
> frozen; urgency=high' and upload it again ?
> Do I need to change the package version, since weex 2.6.1-5 is already
> the right package with the right fixes ?

I doubt that you can packages into Woody nowadays without contacting 
Anthony Towns. Maybe you can do it like i did. Write an E-Mail to Anthony
(ajt-woody-sucks@debian.org) explaining that weex is stable enough now to 
be released in a stable release. Then you can upload a repackaged package 
(weex-2.6.1-5 becomes weex-2.6.1-0woody1) to "woody-proposed-updates" or 
simply "testing" (they're the same actually).

  .''`.   Name: Martin Loschwitz
 : :'  :  E-Mail: madkiss@madkiss.org
 `. `'`   www: http://www.madkiss.org/ 
   `-     Use Debian GNU/Linux - http://www.debian.org    

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