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Re: how to package conflicting libraries ?

On 10-Jun-2002 Eric Gentilini wrote:
> Hi,
> Considering a given library libfoo, which of another version supporting
> multithreading is available, called libfoo-mt.
> libfoo-mt offers all the functionnalities offered by libfoo and programs
> compiling with libfoo compile with libfoo-mt (binary versions linked with
> libfoo-mt won't run with libfoo and vice-versa).
> Should libfoo-mt be marked as creating a conflict with libfoo ? Or should it
> be sonamed "libfoomt" and depending executables linked with that name ?
> PS : more precisely, I'm talking about libmico and micomt for those who want
> to know :)

this is exactly the situation qt is under, look at it (but not too hard your
eyes might pop out and your head explode (-; ).

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