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Re: libmsgcat and sympa : my first packages

Le Wed, Aug 05, 1998 at 02:38:26PM -0400, Stephen J. Carpenter écrivait:
> If you need this on...maybe you should work out some scheme with the
> sysklogd maintainer. Eiether have you changes in by default or
> add some way you can "turn it on" (ie by the existance of a file or
> some such)

Can be a solution, but in fact there are some line in /etc/init.d/sysklogd :
# Options for start/restart the daemons
#   For remote UDP logging use SYSLOGD="-r"

[ about syslog.conf ]
>      Only packages that are tagged *conflicting* with each other may
>      specify the same file as `conffile'. A package may not modify a
>      configuration file of another package.

Why not, but why does debstd provide the possibilitry of modifying :
- /etc/aliases
- /etc/syslog.conf
- /etc/inetd.conf
- /etc/services
- /etc/inittab
- /etc/protocols
- /etc/profile
- /etc/modules
- /etc/X11/window-managers
- probably some others

It seems to me unlogical since debstd should help the developers
to follow the Debian Policy... Should we consider that debstd is out of 
date ?

I also add some aliases (sympa, sympa-request, sympa-owner), is this
forbiden too ?

> it doesn't sound like you want to conflict with sysklogd

Not at all, I only need to setup local1 facility to log into 
/var/log/sympa. That's another problem, there are only 8 "local" 
facilities.. how to decide which one are for which use ?

> not a good idea...you really shouldn't go restarting other deamons anyway

I could try to 'kill -HUP' sysklogd if only syslog.conf had been modified
but here I wanted to restart him in order to turn on UDP logging.

> majordomo is UID 30 GID 31 and from the policy manual:
> {/usr/doc/debian-policy/policy.text.gz}

I knew that but in fact postinst of the majordomo package try to create
the user... maybe for the case where the majordom user does not exist...

# this part is allowed to fail
set +e



adduser --system --home /usr/lib/majordomo --group $name >$tf 2>&1

# check that the right users exist

I don't need a fixed UID/GID even if it would be easier for me... but
I have no answer to my question. Shoul I remove the sympa user/group on
purging ?

Hertzog Raphaël ¤ 0C4CABF1 ¤ http://www.mygale.org/~hra/

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