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[RFS] libbio-db-embl-perl 1.7.4-4

Hi Michael et al.

I worked on libbio-db-embl-perl/1.7.4-4 to disable tests which
require Internet, in the spirit of the discussion around 983239,
in order to address 978316 (no typo this time).  I'm not very
happy with this move, but its failure to run properly triggered
a transition of libhttp-message-perl.  Changes are available
below[1] for review and upload.

[1]: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/libbio-db-embl-perl

Michael, there is a third package which might raise similar
issues: libbio-db-biofetch-perl.  I see it in the med-team work
space on Salsa, but I see you as direct Maintainer.  Do you have
time for the bug 983238, or is it okay that it is taken over by
Debian Med Packaging Team ?  I would be tempted to assume the
latter, but prefer double checking.

(note that 983238 is not closed; I typoed 983239 yesterday :(

Kind Regards,
Étienne Mollier <etienne.mollier@mailoo.org>
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