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Re: [RFS] hyphy 2.5.19+dfsg-1

Hi Tony,

tony mancill, on 2020-10-11 09:19:50 -0700:
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 03:54:25PM +0200, Étienne Mollier wrote:
> > Hi Tony, Hi Andreas,
> > 
> > While I'm not in position to sponsor uploads, I find interesting
> > to see a sponsor procedure, and learn about even more QA tools.
> > I'm surprised about not seeing autopkgtest runs in the list; has
> > it simply been forgotten?
> Thank you for the reminder - that's a good suggestion.  I typically work
> on Debian Java packages, most of which are libraries and don't (yet)
> have autopkgtests.

Yes, I thought of it actually because, on my side, I almost
dropped running the build step alone: I extract the .dsc out of
the gbp repository, then run autopkgtest against it, for which
the first step is the build.  Eventually, the package has no
tests and reports so at the end, but that is after a build
attempt any way.

> For the sake of completeness, previously I would run piuparts locally,
> but regularly ran into false positives that weren't reflected on the
> tracker.debian.org page for the package.  I should revisit that as well.

Good point, reprotest also went in my mind but, unless the
sponsored upload was to address a reproducible build issue,
these tests are usually a bit more heavy to carry I think.

> > My bad, I really should run a complete lintian check, especially
> > right before hitting the "Send mail" button after wrapping up my
> > RFSs, notably in case of last minute small change.  Severaly
> > typos were fixed since hyphy 2.5.18, but it seems the manpage
> > wrap up revealed at least one typo that has remained hidden in
> > the binaries issued until then.
> It is a constant battle against increasing entropy.  One other thing you
> could check if you revisit the hyphy packaging is the Multi-Arch hinter
> "hyphy-common could be marked Multi-Arch: foreign" [1] as visible in the
> PTS [2].
> [1] https://wiki.debian.org/MultiArch/Hints#ma-foreign
> [2] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/hyphy

Thanks for the hint I just had a look back at the "Multi-Arch:
foreign" notion.  I must admit it's not the first package I work
on which has this hint.  However, last time I checked, reading
the description left me in a state of: "hm, when in doubt, don't
touch this".  Having a look specifically at hyphy-common, I
agree the marker should do good here.

I will reconsider this for my next modifications.

Kind Regards,
Étienne Mollier <etienne.mollier@mailoo.org>
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