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Re: fis-gtm

Hi Bhaskar,

> [KSB2] Historically, GT.M was installed as owned by user and group bin.  
> Over the years (GT.M first went into production in 1986) and over the 
> POSIX platforms to which it has been ported (including GNU/Linux, 
> proprietary UNIXes and z/OS), there is no single standard user and group 
> id that the standard installation script (configure) can use (not all 
> platforms have root, and not all platforms have 0 as the super user).  To 
> keep our maintenance costs low, we aim for maximum code commonality 
> across the platforms.

I think much of the confusion (at least mine) stems from the fact that
most people seem to assume that something as mature as gt.m must be
running a system-wide server process to which clients connect -- like
PostgreSQL does.

If I understand you correctly this is not the case ?   GT.M is run by
each and every user that needs it to access a database ?

This latter case would be like SQLite works and, of course, needs no
special systemwide user id *to run under* (like postgres:postgres for
PostgreSQL). The former would suitably use a dedicated user to *run*
the server under (not *own* the server binaries). Both need a user id
to own the binaries but that can suitable be root:root.

Please destroy my confusion !


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