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Bringing up VistA on GT.M on Linux (fwd)


for those brave people who every time where looking for packaging a big
project ...

At least somebody could do an RFP ...

Kind regards


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 09:24:00 -0400
From: K.S. Bhaskar <k.bhaskar@sanchez.com>
Reply-To: openhealth-list@minoru-development.com
To: openhealth-list@minoru-development.com
Subject: Bringing up VistA on GT.M on Linux
Resent-Date: 12 Apr 2002 13:24:39 -0000
Resent-From: openhealth-list@minoru-development.com
Resent-cc: recipient list not shown:;

The following instructions are from a post by Mike Baker on the
Hardhats mailing list.  You can download GT.M from Source Forge
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/sanchez-gtm).  Make sure you get the
V4.3-FT06 release, which is a field test version of the forthcoming
V4.3-001 version.  Of course, if V4.3-001 is there by the time you act
on this, please use it instead.

If you need help with GT.M, please post to the Support area, or an
appropriate Forum, in the GT.M area at Source Forge.

I trust that you will find VistA on GT.M on x86 GNU/Linux useful.  It
is the first ever enterprise scale application stack for healthcare
that is completely open source free software.

-- Bhaskar

To setup GT.M on my RedHat Linux 7.2 system here is what I did:

1. Log in to Linux box as a normal user.
2. Make a directory for the downloaded files:
	A. mkdir gtm
3. Download GT.M from www.sourceforge.net into the gtm directory you just
	A. I selected the gtm_V43FT06_linux_pro.tar.gz file.
4. Change directory to ~/gtm
	A. cd ~/gtm
5. Gunzip the file to extract the tar file.
	A. gunzip gtm_V43FT06_linux_pro.tar.gz
6. Extract the files from the archive:
	A. tar xovf gtm_V43FT06_linux_pro.tar
7. Become the super user.
	A. su
8. Create a link to the ncurses library that is installed with RH Linux from
   the ncurses libary that is used by the GT.M configure script.
	A. ln -s /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5 usr/lib/libncurses.so.4
9. Run the configure script from the gtm directory
	A. sh configure
	B. I just accepted the defaults where available.
	C. I selected /usr/local/gtm as the directory for install.
10. Make a directory for the logs:
	A. cd /usr/local/gtm
	B. mkdir logs
	C. chmod 777 logs
		1. This is probably too many privs for this.
11. Exit superuser
12. Edit .bash_profile to setup the environment varibles when you log in:
	A. cd ~
	B. pico .bash_profile
		1. I added the following to my .bash_profile
			export gtm_dist
			gtmroutines=". $gtm_dist /gtm_vista/r"
			export gtmroutines
			export gtmgbldir
			export PATH
		2. Yours could look different:  I have added a directory
called gtm_vista
		   that contains subdirectories for routines,(r),  and
13. You should now be able to log out and log in and run:
	A. mumps -direct to get a mumps > prompt.

14. This is how I got the VistA stuff running on this system:

15. Download the global and routine files at:
16. Create a directory for the Vista stuff.
	A. su
	B. cd /
	C. mkdir gtm_vista
	D. chmod 777 gtm_vista
		1. Again these privs are much too lenient I'm sure.
	E. exit  ; su
	E. cd /gtm_vista
	F. mkdir g
	G. cd g
	H. mv ~/globals-1.08.zip globals-1.08.zip
	I. unzip globals-1.08.zip
	J. cd ..
	K. mv ~/routines-1.08.zip routines-1.08.zip
	L. unzip routines-1.08.zip
17. Now run:
	A. mumps -r GDE
	B. At the GDE prompt type:
		1. change -s DEFAULT -f=/gtm_vista/g/mumps.dat
		2. exit
	C. Now type:
		1. mupip create && dse change -f -key_max=255 -rec=4096
		2. mupip load /gtm_vista/g/globals.zwr
	D. I got these instructions from the Readme file when I downloaded
	   routines and globals.  I modified slightly to make it work for me
	   it seems that this also works ok.

19. Now I went into the mumps system:
	A. mumps -direct
	B. S DUZ=1
	C. D ^XUP
		1. EVE
		2. USER
		3. ADD
		4. Set yourself up as a user.
		5. Give yourself the EVE Menu.
		6. Give yourself an access and verify code.
		7. Make sure you give yourself a SERVICE/SECTION
		8. exit
		9. Answer yes to allocating keys
			a. Give yourself:
 			b. XUMGR
			c. XUPROG
20. Now go to programmer mode through the options:
	B. D ^XUP
	C. Sign in using your access code
	D. Hit return until you are back at a programmer prompt.
	E. W DUZ - This is your DUZ
	F. S $P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),"^",4)="@"

On Friday, April 12, 2002 at 09:49:03 (GMT+0100), Adrian Midgley wrote:
 > On Friday 12 April 2002 01:28, Thomas Beale wrote:
 > > this list still lives, I hope? No messages for quite some time now...
 > I'm here.
 > Downloaded GT-M and the completed VISTA port to GT-M - and now have the
 > intention of getting M running and trying Vista on top of it.
 > --
 > >From one of the Linux desktops of Dr Adrian Midgley
 > http://www.defoam.net/

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