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Re: GAP 4.13.0 uploaded to unstable

Hello Bill, thanks for the email.

It appears that most of the GAP package for which I feel responsable
fail tests with gap 4.13.0 because `TestPackageAvailability` now returns
a path that terminate with thh path separator `/`; for example:
"/usr/share/gap/pkg/io/" (gap 4.13) instead of "/usr/share/gap/pkg/io" (gap <4.13).

It is expected ? or it a bug ?

Best wishes,

On 11/04/2024 15:38, Bill Allombert wrote:
Dear all,

I have finally uploaded GAP 4.13.0 to unstable.
This will require to rebuild all the binary GAP packages.
Note that with this release they are build against libgap9 and not against the
GAP kernel so there will be no more need to Depend on gap-kernel-9 (which is
not Provided anyway).


Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
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