debian-lts-announce Nov 2022 by subject

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[SECURITY] [] python-django security update [SECURITY] [BUGFIX] [DLA 3189-1] postgresql-11 bugfix update [SECURITY] [DLA 3171-1] distro-info-data database update [SECURITY] [DLA 3173-1] linux-5.10 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3175-1] python3.7 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3176-1] clickhouse security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3178-1] ffmpeg security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3179-1] pixman security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3180-1] python-scciclient security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3181-1] sudo security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3182-1] vim security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3183-1] webkit2gtk security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3184-1] libjettison-java security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3185-1] xorg-server security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3186-1] exiv2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3187-1] dropbear security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3188-1] sysstat security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3190-1] grub2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3191-1] python-django security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3192-1] lava security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3193-1] joblib security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3194-1] asterisk security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3195-1] jupyter-core security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3196-1] thunderbird security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3197-1] phpseclib security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3198-1] php-phpseclib security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3199-1] firefox-esr security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3200-1] graphicsmagick security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3201-1] ntfs-3g security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3202-1] libarchive security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3203-1] nginx security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3204-1] vim security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3205-1] inetutils security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3206-1] heimdal security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3207-1] jackson-databind security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3208-1] varnish security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3209-1] ini4j security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3211-1] frr security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3212-1] twisted security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3213-1] krb5 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 3214-1] libraw security update [SECURITY] [DLA-3210-1] gerbv security update The last update was on 21:00 GMT Wed Nov 30. There are 43 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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