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Re: gnome-orca

Hans Ekbrand wrote:
>> b) gnome-orca would have been installed (see 'a') via a Recommends
>> relation, but turned those off for large desktop environments (so they 
>> can fit onto a CD).
> However, I tried to build a debian-live CD with gnome-accessibility
> included and it fitted the CD. To summarize, there seem to be no
> argument in favor of not including gnome-accessibility since:

your conclusion is a bit missleading, it should be:

*if* we turn off recommends globally *and* select gnome-accessibility
manually, *then* it still fits.

but that is not what we do. we do:

because the selection with recommends doesn't fit, therefore we disable

we don't make changes on the selection otherwise, especially we don't
manually choose packages out of that set of packages that would have
been pulled in if we would have recommends enabled. why? because we
would need a list and make regularly a decision on each of them if it
should go in or not, and the impact on the image size of that.

too much work, that's why we didn't do it for the prebuilt images. there
is much more and more important work to be done elsewhere in debian-live.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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