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Bug#608222: lintian: Please check symbols-files for foreign packages

On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 22:04 +0100, Niels Thykier wrote:
> Check for symbol files referring to non-existent or foreign packages.
>   libbaz3.so libfoo #MINVER#

That's what the catchily named
symbols-declares-dependency-on-other-package is intended to catch.
Indeed, if I modify shared-libs-symbols-file's symbols file so that
instead of "libfoo.so.1 libfoo1 #MINVER#" it reads "libfoo.so.1 libfoo
#MINVER#", I get an extra "W: libfoo1:
symbols-declares-dependency-on-other-package libfoo #MINVER#".

I don't have an i386 chroot or machine easily to hand where I can test,
but I'm guessing that the above was from the shared-libs-non-pic-i386



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