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Re: cowsay questionable files

Bone Baboon writes:

> cowsay has many questionable files that could attract copyright and
> trademark enforcement action.  For further details see the pull
> requested linked below.
> Debian packages cowsay.  The cowsay source code repository is
> <https://github.com/tnalpgge/rank-amateur-cowsay>.
> The cowsay repository's CONTRIBUTING.md says "Issues and pull requests
> on that repository will be ignored.".  I submitted a pull request
> <https://github.com/tnalpgge/rank-amateur-cowsay/pull/4>.  I expect that
> it will be ignored.
> There is a fork of cowsay <https://github.com/cowsay-org/cowsay> that
> claims to be maintained.  I have submitted a pull request to it as
> well. <https://github.com/cowsay-org/cowsay/pull/16>
> The pull requests remove the questionable files.

In this response to the pull request I submitted about the
questionable files in the cowsay repository
apjanke is requesting feedback.

> If there are any actual IP lawyers, relevant IP owners, or
> distributions who redistribute cowsay who would like to weigh in on
> this, I'd definitely like to hear what you have to say.

For those who want to respond to apjanke but do not have or do not
want to use a GitHub account I can link this email thread in the
discussion about the pull request.

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