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foremost package - Licence of debian/* files

Dear Niall and Gürkan, 

I'll adopt[0] the foremost package and I would like to know what licence have you
granted to the work you've made (debian/* files). I'm trying to upgrade
d/copyright to a machine readable format[1].

If you don't have any complains, I think we should grant a GPL-3+ licence. So
far, this is an extract of how d/copyright will be.

Files: debian/*
Copyright: 2004-2006 Niall Sheridan <niall@evil.ie>
           2006-2010 Gürkan Sengün <gurkan@phys.ethz.ch>
           2012 Raúl Benencia <rbenencia@linti.unlp.edu.ar>
Licence: GPL-3+

Please, let me know your opinion/suggestions.

PS: I'm CCing debian-legal.

[0] http://bugs.debian.org/661488
[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/

Raúl Benencia

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