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Name restriction and forced acknowledgement OK?

Dear list members,

I intent to package the ANSI C library of IAU-SOFA
<http://bugs.debian.org/659639>, which has a non-usual (?) license
agreement <http://www.iausofa.org/tandc.html>.

Especially, I worry about two points:

1. Not allowed to use the original names in changed code:
3. You [...] may [...] adapt its code [...] That portion of your
   distribution that does not consist of intact and unchanged copies of
   SOFA source code files is a "derived work" that must comply with the
   following requirements:
     c. The name(s) of all routine(s) in your derived work shall not
        include the prefix "iau".

2. Forced acknowledgement:
4. In any published work or commercial products which includes results
   achieved by using the SOFA software, you shall acknowledge that the
   SOFA software was used in obtaining those results.

Are these conditions acceptable to meet the DFSG? Following them in
<http://www.debian.org/social_contract>, I couldn't find a statement
against it; I just want to be sure.

Best regards


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