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MySQL licensing issues again :) This time with yaSSL.


How would you guys judge? 

The mentioned "FLOSS" exception allowes the MySQL library which was
put unter GPL and not LGPL to be linked with various free software



> http://bugs.mysql.com/?id=16755

> [14 Apr 19:10] Christian Hammers
> Hello!
> The yaSSL source in the distribution are all marked as licenced under
> the GPL which demands that all resulting products are also GPL. Your
> MySQL product is licenced as "GPL with modifications (FLOSS)" so it
> seems to me that you are currently violating the yaSSL licence, or?
> Most probably yassl.com is quite happy to be distributed with MySQL but
> still you should make the copyright situation clear.

> [17 Apr 5:50] Arjen Lentz
> The Community Edition builds of MySQL server are pure GPL.
> The MySQL Client Library is GPL and has the FLOSS exception attached
> also. This document is somewhat unfortunately named, as it's actually
> an extension of the GPL license. As you know GPL does not allow clauses
> to restrict people's freedom further, however it does allow people's
> freedoms to be extended further. And this is exactly what the FLOSS
> exception does. This is perfectly GPL compatible, and so I see no
> incompatibility with yaSSL's own GPL licensing. Right?
> There remains the issue you raised earlier, namely that if someone
> links to yaSSL indirectly by linking in the MySQL client library under
> the FLOSS exception (for instance in to Apache, or PHP), then there may
> still be a licensing incompatibility between yaSSL and that bigger app.
> Your suggestion was sensible, namely that yaSSL go either LGPL or
> include a similar FLOSS exception (I suggest they call it extension ;-)
> as the MySQL client libs.

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